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Separated Fathers inc.

Keep your balance in the separation

Health & safety: list of organizations in case of emergency.


Crisis Centres -Services are available 24 hours a day-

Need help & you're in crisis?

What is a crisis?


Suicidal thoughts


EMERGENCY / LIFE AT RISK: 911 - Emergency suicidal (anywhere in Quebec): 



Suicide Action Montréal: 514 723-4000; anywhere in Quebec: 1-866 APPELLE / 1-866-277-3553



Anxiety - Online support/listening


Tel-Aide Montreal : 514 935-1101


Tel-Aide Quebec : 418 686-2433 


Tel-Aide Outaouais : 819 775-3223


Tel-Écoute Montreal : 514 493-4484  



Psychiatric and psychosocial emergencies


CLSC and hospitals in Quebec:


L'entremise (crisis center): 514-351-9592 


Parents and children: Tel-Jeunes: 1 800 263-2266 ou 514 288-2266


Kids Help Phone: 1 800 668-6868 


Direction de la protection de la Jeunesse (Montreal): 514 896-3100 


Les centres jeunesse du Québec: 


Hôpital Sainte-Justine514 345-4931 


Montreal Children's Hospital/McGill University Health Centre514 412-4400 


Ligne Parents (24/7): 1 800 361-5085 ou 514 288-5555




Emergency poisoning / addictions


Centre antipoison du Québec : 1 800 463-5060 


Urgence toxico/Centre Dollard-Cormier514 288-1515 


Drugs: Help and Referral1 800 265-2626 ou 514 527-2626 


Gambling: Help and Referral1 800 461-0140  ou 1 866 SOS-JEUX

Ce site Internet a été conçu et développé exclusivement par les usagers et le personnel de Pères Séparés.

This website was entirely designed and developed by Separated Fathers' users and employees.

Droits réservés Pères Séparés inc.

Copyrignt Separated Fathers inc.

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