514 254-6120
Separated Fathers inc.
Keep your balance in the separation

Health & safety: list of organizations in case of emergency.
Crisis Centres -Services are available 24 hours a day-
Suicidal thoughts
EMERGENCY / LIFE AT RISK: 911 - Emergency suicidal (anywhere in Quebec):
1-866-277-3553 www.suicide-quebec.net
Suicide Action Montréal: 514 723-4000; anywhere in Quebec: 1-866 APPELLE / 1-866-277-3553
Anxiety - Online support/listening
Tel-Aide Montreal : 514 935-1101
Tel-Aide Quebec : 418 686-2433
Tel-Aide Outaouais : 819 775-3223
Tel-Écoute Montreal : 514 493-4484
Psychiatric and psychosocial emergencies
CLSC and hospitals in Quebec: www.sante-net.net
L'entremise (crisis center): 514-351-9592
Parents and children: Tel-Jeunes: 1 800 263-2266 ou 514 288-2266
Kids Help Phone: 1 800 668-6868
Direction de la protection de la Jeunesse (Montreal): 514 896-3100
Les centres jeunesse du Québec: www.acjq.qc.ca
Hôpital Sainte-Justine: 514 345-4931
Montreal Children's Hospital/McGill University Health Centre: 514 412-4400
Ligne Parents (24/7): 1 800 361-5085 ou 514 288-5555
Emergency poisoning / addictions
Centre antipoison du Québec : 1 800 463-5060
Urgence toxico/Centre Dollard-Cormier: 514 288-1515
Drugs: Help and Referral: 1 800 265-2626 ou 514 527-2626
Gambling: Help and Referral: 1 800 461-0140 ou 1 866 SOS-JEUX